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[USB 부팅 디스크] Windows 7 USB/DVD USB를 이용하여 Windows7 설치 방법.다운로드 : 경로 :http://images2.store.microsoft.com/prod/clustera/framework/w7udt/1.0/kr/Windows7-USB-DVD-tool.exe USB에 Windows 7 부딩 디스크를 생성
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 05 Nebula level05AboutCheck the flag05 home directory. You are looking for weak directory permissions To do this level, log in as the level05 account with the password level05 . Files for this level can be found in /home/flag05. Source codeThere is no source code available for this level 디렉토리 권한 문제로 특정 압축파일의 권한이 664이지만 압축 해제된 파일들의 권한은 현제 계정으로 권한이 발급되어 사용 가능 /home/flag05 디렉토리로 접근하면 아래와 같은 파일 확인 가능.s..
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 04 [미완성] Nebula level04AboutThis level requires you to read the token file, but the code restricts the files that can be read. Find a way to bypass it :) To do this level, log in as the level04 account with the password level04 . Files for this level can be found in /home/flag04. Source code 1#include 2#include 3#include 4#include 5#include 6#include 7 8int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) 9{ 10 ..
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 03 [미완성] Nebula level03AboutCheck the home directory of flag03 and take note of the files there. There is a crontab that is called every couple of minutes. To do this level, log in as the level03 account with the password level03 . Files for this level can be found in /home/flag03. Source codeThere is no source code available for this level nebula login : level03password : level03
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 02 [미완성] Nebula level02AboutThere is a vulnerability in the below program that allows arbitrary programs to be executed, can you find it? To do this level, log in as the level02 account with the password level02 . Files for this level can be found in /home/flag02. Source code 1#include 2#include 3#include 4#include 5#include 6 7int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) 8{ 9 char *buffer; 10 11 gid_t g..
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 01 Nebula level01AboutThere is a vulnerability in the below program that allows arbitrary programs to be executed, can you find it? To do this level, log in as the level01 account with the password level01 . Files for this level can be found in /home/flag01. Source code 1#include 2#include 3#include 4#include 5#include 6 7int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) 8{ 9 gid_t gid; 10 uid_t uid; 11..
[exploit-exercises] Nebula level 00 Nebula level00 AboutThis level requires you to find a Set User ID program that will run as the "flag00" account. You could also find this by carefully looking in top level directories in / for suspicious looking directories. Alternatively, look at the find man page. To access this level, log in as level00 with the password of level00 . Source codeThere is no source code available for this level문..
리버스 코드 엔지니어 리버싱 도구 종류disassemblerdebugger - PE, Scriptdevelopment tool - assembly, C/C++editor(Viewer) - text, hex, resource, registry, string, PEmonitoring tool - process, file, registry, network, messagememory dumpclassifiercalculator - hex, binarycompare tool - text, hexpacker/unpackervirtual machinedecompiler - C, VB, Delphiemulator