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40./42. iOS

[iOS] Logify


Logify is a utility that accepts a class header (.h file) as input and generates a MobileSubstrate extension (.xm file) which hooks all of that class's methods, printing log messages when they are called. This helps a hook developer see when certain methods are invoked during use. Comes with Theos.


실행은 bash 명령어 입력란에 다음과 같이 사용하면 된다.

 logify.pl SomeClassHeader.h > tweak.xm

This will create a new tweak source file (tweak.xm) using the methods defined in the header file `SomeClassHeader.h`. You can then use tweak.xm as the basis for a new tweak project, or integrate the generated code into your own project.


Doesn't generate any output if the interface line doesn't have a subclass, e.g. @interface MyClass, replace with @interface MyClass : NSObject

※ 참조 : http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/Logify

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